As Director of Communications and Marketing, Bethany shares her experience working in online marketing, design, photography, and technology with Foxcroft’s Institutional Advancement Department. 她喜欢通过电子通讯分享福克斯克罗夫特的经历, the School's various social media outlets, including
YouTube, and
LinkedIn, print and digital advertising, and more. 她的工作经常涉及到与学校各个部门的合作, 提供了充足的机会,大胆而自豪地从真实的角度讲述福克斯克罗夫特的故事.
除了她的办公室工作,宝芬妮还参与了福克斯克罗夫特的各种活动. 她目前是狄龙宿舍团队的一员,并为学生俱乐部提供建议. For three years, she coached the Varsity Soccer team. She was involved in Wintermission for several years, 为学生提供2010年前往尼加拉瓜进行社区服务之旅的机会,并在2011年和2012年联合教授艺术课.
Bethany holds an M.B.A. from the University of New Hampshire, earned through the university’s accelerated one-year program, where her interest in marketing began. She also earned a B.A. in Studio Art from UNH, 在意大利进行为期三年的水彩画和建筑独立研究. Before coming to Foxcroft, 她是克利夫顿一家户外教育中心的项目主管, VA, 在那里,她有机会与私立学校(包括福克斯克罗夫特!)为他们的学生设计过夜静修,并管理网站和电子邮件活动.
在她的空闲时间,贝萨尼喜欢阅读,烘焙,编织,并花时间在户外. A native Mainer, she will always cheer for the Red Sox and Patriots. And yes, she does love lobster and blueberries.
The Stotler family — Bethany, her husband Daniel, and their two children, Juniper and Hunter — lives on campus with their collie, Honeybird.