“在福克斯克罗夫特这儿, 成绩很重要——不要误解我的意思——但不止于此, the teachers here allow us to personalize our learning and support us to think outside the box, 这在学习过程中有很大的灵活性.”
福克斯克罗夫特的学术课程挑战你的分析能力, 批判性思维, 你需要的沟通技巧和你自己的创造力, 自信, 以及独立的声音. 很棒的老师, 谁希望你成功, 设计实践, 具有实际价值的跨学科课程和小组项目. 和, 以应对我们快速变化的世界, the boarding school 教师 continually examines course offerings and teaching methods to prepare you for college, 职业生涯, 以及21世纪可能带来的其他一切!
福克斯克罗夫特的综合项目还提供69-73门课程, including 17 Advanced Placement and post-AP offerings — in six disciplines as well as opportunities for independent study, 通过一个学校在线学习更多课程, 以及为非英语母语人士开设的独特人文学科课程. 的多方面的 阀杆 倡议, 是什么影响了所有的数学和科学课程, 让你在女性代表性不足的关键领域占据优势.
许多女孩通过参加大学先修课程来帮助自己进入大学, 哪些学校的高中课程是大学水平的. 去学习这些极具挑战性的课程, 是由大学理事会监管的吗, 你必须得到部门的许可, 在必修课程上表现好吗, 首先完成重要的暑期作业. 5月, students take the AP Exams that match the courses they took; top scores may help you earn college credit.
福克斯克罗夫特是女子在线学校的特许附属成员, 在2016年,哪一个扩张成了 一个学校. 它提供了个别学校可能不提供的课程. With the approval of the 副校长 for 学者 and appropriate 部门 Chair, 学生可以在学年或夏季选修学分课程. 一所学校提供 课程种类.
健康是四年, 以研究为基础的项目,针对最影响我们学生的健康方面. Freshmen attend a class that meets regularly during the fall to study topics ranging 从 nutrition and the female body to the principles of mindfulness, 压力, 以及公开演讲, 除此之外. The program continues with a variety of age-appropriate seminars through the subsequent three years.
Wintermission is a week-long term in February during which you take one or two intensive courses, 通常讲的话题和你平时上课的话题很不一样. These courses encourage students and teachers to examine a subject in great depth and provide opportunities for off-campus travel and service. 学生必须在福克斯克罗夫特每年成功完成冬季任务.
教职员工 高级学位
老师有 Ph.D.s或J.D.s
教职员工和管理人员 住在校园里
提供额外的帮助 课外活动
福克斯克罗夫特的座右铭是 在corpore sano中,men Sana (健康的心灵寓于健康的身体), 我们通过一个健全的健康项目帮助我们的女孩实现这一目标. 根据他们的需要和兴趣量身定制, 每个年级的主题都有所变化,并以彼此为基础, 向女孩灌输全面幸福的坚实基础.
在特, everything we do is curriculum — and that means learning occurs in many places and many ways. Foxcroft boasts a variety of unique programs focused on experiences outside the classroom and even beyond the front gate. 在Foxcroft探索体验式学习.
Chosen 从 教师 nominations for students who have demonstrated excellence in their academic life at Foxcroft, the Student of the Month is not solely concerned with classroom performance — the award also recognizes students who contribute positively to the classroom environment, 表现出强烈的求知欲, 充分利用福克斯克罗夫特的学术项目. 最近获得这一荣誉的是大三学生Elle P.!
Chosen 从 教师 nominations for students who have demonstrated excellence in their academic life at Foxcroft, the Student of the Month is not solely concerned with classroom performance — the award also recognizes students who contribute positively to the classroom environment, 表现出强烈的求知欲 充分利用福克斯克罗夫特的学术项目. 最近获得这一荣誉的是小塞拉·C.!
上周二, Maya Camargo-Vemuri visited Foxcroft to speak with Humanities and Global Studies Concentration students about her research on genocide, 哪一个审查平民受害, 大规模暴力, 暴行, 以及现代国家和社会的压迫. 在那次会议之前, she spoke to the AP Modern World class about historical events they are studying that are related to her field of research. She is a doctoral student at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies and a Graduate Research Fellow at the SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins.
坦尼娅 凯悦于2022年7月加入福克斯克罗夫特社区,担任学校助理校长. 在来福克斯克罗夫特之前. 凯悦 served as Dean of 学者 at Indian Springs 从 2017-2020 and worked to strengthen course offerings and improve the academic schedule, 将学习技巧融入课程, 增加课堂技术的使用. 她的老师, 管理员, and Board of Trustees hold her in such esteem that she was appointed Acting Head of School for four months in 2019, 校长在学年结束前意外地离开了.
自2020年7月以来,Dr. 凯悦曾担任学院院长, 领导招聘各个方面的角色, 指导新教员, 策划教师会议和专业发展, 在其他职责中. 在她的领导下, Indian Springs revised the hiring process to work to eliminate bias and increase 教师 of color. 她还致力于使用Folio 协作实施新的年度教师评估.
Dr. 凯悦 earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology 从 the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa and a Ph.D. 在伯明翰阿拉巴马大学获得营养科学学位. 她发表了关于营养学的研究, 其中一些是专门针对女性的, 她还获得了护理人员执照和国家认证.
Dr. 凯悦, 她的丈夫克里斯, 他的女儿玛蒂, 和他们的狗萨班都渴望了解福克斯克罗夫特的学生, 父母, 和老师, 并与米德尔堡社区接触!
惠特尼于2021年7月加入福克斯克罗夫特社区,担任包容性卓越院长. 在来福克斯克罗夫特之前, 惠特尼住在俄克拉荷马城, OK, 她在遗产堂学校工作的地方. 她在那里的时候, she had the enriching opportunity to work in all three divisions of the school teaching Spanish. 她还曾担任多元化和包容性副主任, where she works to implement diverse programming throughout the school as well as to serve as a sounding board for students, 顾客, 校友, 教师, 和工作人员. She started programs that connected all aspects of the community such as Charger Spotlight and Courageous Conversations, which she defines as open and honest dialogue about diversity challenges the community is facing. 她还担任过低年级特别小组组长, 在哪里,她带领全校最大的教师团队始终朝着共同的目标前进.
She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish 从 The University of Oklahoma and a Master’s Degree in Educational 领导 从 Southern Nazarene University. 她目前正在攻读教育领导学博士学位, where her dissertation is focused on how the lack of diversity and diverse programming in independent schools can have a negative impact on all students.
惠特尼是阿尔法卡帕阿尔法姐妹会的骄傲成员, 合并, 第一个非裔美国希腊字母联谊会. 通过这个组织, 她自愿支持妇女保健和健康等倡议, 以及帮助高中生努力进入大学. Whittney loves spending time with her family and her sweet little dog, a Maltipoo named Milo. 在她的业余时间, 她喜欢读书。, 旅行, 学习与自己不同的文化. 她是一个体育迷,喜欢观看和为她的俄克拉荷马更快队加油, 波士顿凯尔特人队, 俄雷声, 和达拉斯牛仔队!
在布朗克斯出生和长大, 纽约, 帕蒂 鲍斯威尔 attended an all girls' private high school where she learned the value of single-sex education. She arrived at Foxcroft in May of 1990 with her family and began what was to become an unexpected adventure. 在总机干了一段时间之后, 1992年担任教务处教务长/行政助理. 永远忠实的猎犬, 帕蒂 proudly became the HoundBacker in 1999 and has lived in her 福克斯/猎犬 world ever since. 2000年,帕蒂在她的工作描述中增加了管家一职.
在她的业余时间, 帕蒂 enjoys spending time with her family — 帕蒂's daughter Kelli graduated 从 Foxcroft in the Class of 2003. 她还喜欢阅读,听音乐,享受她的许多宠物的陪伴.
在伯克利泉出生并长大, 西维吉尼亚州, Steve 马克卡迪 joined the Foxcroft 教师 in 2007 after teaching composition and literature for three years at the United States Air Force Academy. 现任教务长兼英语系主任. 他也是大学排球的教练.
After graduating 从 西维吉尼亚州 University in 2000, Steve served seven years in the Air Force. During his service, he also received his master's degree 从 the University of South Carolina. 史蒂夫的学术专长是阿巴拉契亚研究和当代美国短篇小说. 他的短篇小说和诗歌曾发表在《南方诗刊》上, 诗人传说, 卡罗莱纳季刊, 和《dt电子游戏app》, 等.